Good evening. I know that feeling of climate anxiety. The frustration of your melting body blending into the couch as your apartment reaches 40°C in June whilst on the news politicians are reopening coal plants. Yes, the climate crisis is here.. I know it feels daunting and scary. But we have tools! We can vote, we can protest, we can compost, we can move into a community! These are all revolutionary efforts against this crazy status quo.
✊ Join Rave Revolution's dance protest for the oceans next week in Lisbon. It will be a dancing sea of protestors outside of the UN's Ocean Conference at Altice Arena. Please wear blue.
This Week in Climate News:
🇦🇺 Australia beaches see plastic pollution drop by 30% in 6 years.
🎣 WTO limits fishing subsidies after historic deal to reduce overfishing.
🇪🇺 Young people go to European court to stop treaty that aids fossil fuel investors.
🌊 Millions stranded as floods devastate Bangladesh and India.
📈 Cool Trends:
🥕 Community gardens
🌲 Forest schools
🎣 World Trade Organization deal on fishing subsidies
Globaly nations spend $35billion on fishing subsidies--80% of which goes to the industrial fishing sector. After 20 years of negotiations, 164 countries signed a deal aimed at fishing subsidies in Geneva. So shall we celebrate? Sort of.
Per usual developed nations carved out lots of lingo that will let them carry on with the most harmful type of fishing subsidies: capacity-building subsidies. These type of subsidies artificially inflate the fishing industry's profits by reducing its costs, this is exactly what leads to overfishing.
The irony? You could get 35% more catch if you removed all subsidies.
“There were too many carve-outs for developed nations, there are enough ways they can get around continuing subsidies, that is my fear.”--Daniel Skerritt, an analyst at Oceana, an observer organisation at the Geneva meeting
So what DID the deal achieve?
A global framework that limits subsidies for illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, for fishing over-depleted populations, and for vessels fishing on the unregulated high seas.This is still a historic breakthrough, as the high-seas until now has had no regulation. Turning the tide a little biit.
🧊 The world's coolest fridge
Sometimes history holds the key to the future. Root cellars are nothing new, built underground they use soil's isolating properties to keep the temperature cool and humid without the need of any electricity. It will stay at a steady 3-4°C, ideal to store vegetables, cheese and wine year round.
Groundfridge is a Dutch company is reinventing the traditional root cellar, delivering a design friendly ground fridge directly to your door.
💩 WTF? news
🌏 The Culture Club
📺 What we’re watching: The Earthing Movie
🎧 What we’re listening to: eco-nnect TALKS to Sir Partha Dasgupta about the Economics of Biodiversity
👁 Profile of the week: @tierrairis
🤯 Crazy fact we learnt this week: 1/3 of fish caught is turned into animal feed