🐆 Would you ever track a leopard?
New IPCC report out, here's what you should make of it...
🐆Good Evening Leopard Trackers,
*When you daydream about wildlife tracking in the African bush, and the IPCC report slaps you back to reality.*
We must act now, but how? We borrowed some wisdom from Boyd Varty on how to become an “embodied activist” whilst bringing you our five main takeaways of the latest IPCC report.
This Week in Climate News:
🇺🇳 UN Secretary General warns that we are on a fast track to climate disaster
🇬🇧 UK to defy net zero targets with more oil and gas drilling
🇧🇷 The largest Indigenous mobilization in Brazil began on April 4th against the government in Brasilia— It marks the 18th edition of the Terra Livre Acampamento and it will take place until April 14th.
✨ Embodied Activism Through Healing
“In a very individual way we do our own work to heal and come to wholeness, but a whole lot of people coming into that state of I have enough, I am enough… it just changes the desire to consume endlessly…so I see the restoration movement as both restoring our relationship to wild places and restoring wild places, but also restoring ourselves, coming to wholeness and healing so that we come out of the illusion that more stuff is going to make us feel okay and realize it’s already there in us. We need to discover that gift and share it.”—Boyd Varty on the Tim Ferriss Show
Boyd Varty grew up on the Londolozi Game Reserve near Kruger National Park in South Africa—the same place where Nelson Mandela went to recover after being released from prison. Living deep in the African bush alongside the Shangaan people, he considers himself in constant apprenticeship to the wisdom of nature—today he’s a trained wildlife tracker, activist, author and speaker.
His exceptional life and advice rings true in our current situation. What can we do in times of deep crisis? Embody your own truth, find peace…and people will follow.
📃 New IPCC report out
“Climate activists are sometimes depicted as dangerous radicals. But the truly dangerous radicals are the countries that are increasing the production of fossil fuels”—Antonio Guterres UN Secretary General on April 4th ‘22
Well if the UN secretary general says so…than what more evidence is needed?
Since 1988 the IPCC has published five assessments on the state of our climate. In 2021 the IPCC began publishing the reports of its Sixth Assessment (AR6). The AR6 includes three contributions that are being released in stages:
Working Group I Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis (released August 9th 2021) —Read our summary here.
Working Group II: Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability (released February 28th 2022)
Working Group III: Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change (released April 4th 2022)
a Synthesis Report: a summary of the three working groups’ contributions + findings from three special reports (scheduled to be released in September ‘22)
On April 4th it published the contributions by Working Group III: Mitigation of Climate Change which outlines the actions that need to be urgently taken to remain below the 1.5°C warming threshold.
Here the 5 main takeaways of the report:
Our window for action is rapidly closing, we must ACT NOW: After a decade of empty promises the report shows how GHG emissions have increased since 2010 across all major sectors globally.
We must phase out fossil fuels much faster, current policies are leading us to 3.2°C warming.
We must recognize the experiences and knowledge of Indigenous and other local communities as solutions and adopt them as mainstream strategies particularly in land management and reforestation. (—but perhaps in lifestyle and world views too?)
We don’t need fancy technologies like CCS, the solutions already exist and are already cheaper than fossil fuels—CCU & CCS explained by Juice.
Investments in climate solutions need to increase immediately by at least 6x.
💩 WTF news
🐅 Lion Burger? Tiger tacos? Startup Primeval Foods launches cultured meats of exotic animals…
🇺🇸 The US EPA has narrowed the definition of PFAS (polyfluoroalkyl substances) to leave out many chemicals in pharmaceuticals, pesticides and some refrigerants. I wonder who they are working for…?
The Culture Club
📚 What we’re reading: The Lion Tracker’s Guide to Life —Boyd Varty
👁 Profile of the week: @londolozi
🎧 What we’re listening to: C’mon just listen to it.
🤯 Fun fact we learnt this week: 500 species of fish can change gender