✨Calling all beings,
This week WEF begun in Davos whilst TIME published its 100 most influential people. Maybe it’s high time to ponder the true definition of ‘civilized people’? Is it the rich and powerful networking in Switzerland? Or the indigenous activists risking their lives protecting the Amazon Rainforest as it breaks another deforestation record? Food for thought. 🌿
This Week in Climate News:
🇦🇺 Australia elections: Greens have more parliament seats than ever before, including a record number of indigenous MPs.
🇺🇸 Federal judge blocks plan for 35 gas wells on national forest land in western Colorado.
💧California implements water-use restrictions as drought worsens.
📈 Cool Trends:
💡Sonia Guajajara
Finally TIME's list of the world’s 100 most influential people features an indigenous activist: Sonia Guajajara, leader of APIB—Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil (Association of Indigenous People of Brazil). It feels like a huge step in the right direction after centuries of indigenous oppression.
“Civilization is the behavior we have in relation to Earth. For the white man, it is development and progress. That is an inversion of values and understanding. To me, we are the most civilized people.”—Sonia Guajajara
Today Ms. Guajajara announced her candidacy as deputy in Sao Paulo. We strongly hope this is the beginning of more indigenous interest in federal politics in Brazil. Indigenous representation in politics is what ultimately gives us real hope for the future (check out what’s happening in Australia).
“What many consider wild, is a way to preserve life for us. Few people understand, or, want to understand, that everything is connected and, nature provides everything. Money is no use if there’s no water.”—Sonia Guajajara
WEF has now become the center stage for politicians and activists to beg the world’s most powerful people into climate action. Here the highlight speeches of the first days at WEF.
“The reality is that 20 countries are responsible for 80% of emissions. We have the technology to change, we need the political will. If we can harness this, we can still avoid the worst effects of climate change.”— John F. Kerry
💩 WTF? news
🐦 India heatwave causes dehydrated birds to fall from the sky.
🦎Secrets of California’s skydiving salamanders revealed by researchers.
🌏 The Culture Club
📺 What we’re watching: The Salt of the Earth
🎧 What we’re listening to: eco-nnect TALKS to Sir Partha Dasgupta
👁 Profile of the week: @going.zero.waste
🤯 Fun fact we learnt this week: lakes can explode.