Calling all delegates Souls,
The world is preparing for yet another COP…in Egypt, yet it’s been 7 years since the Paris Agreement, and no country is on track to hitting any commitments made in 2015…Meanwhile, the run-off Brazilian elections are taking place today.
It is also Samhain/Day of the dead week, a very spiritual time, to remember our ancestors and loved ones.
So, amidst days of intense energy I leave you to ponder this: what is your meaning of “wealth”…To me it goes something like this: living barefoot, bending time, accessing clean air, water and healthy nature, abundant biodiversity, endless love, joy and peace, achieving purpose, living in flow, and connecting with the universe.
If we all focused on an accumulation of higher goals rather than money…would consumerism cease to exist? Food for thought.
🗞️This Week in Climate News:
🇦🇺 Australia joins methane pledge in the latest move to tackle climate change.
🌀 Cyclone Sitrang hits Bangladesh, killing 24 and displacing at least a million.
🌀 Hurricane Julia leaves a path of destruction through Central America.
🇪🇨 Last week Ecuadorian nature defender Alba Bermeo Puin was murdered by gold miners.
🇵🇭 Storm Nalgae: floods and landslides in Philippines kill at least 45.
.📈 Cool Trends
🧡 Samhain
It’s time to celebrate the Celtic New Year: Hallow’s eve. This day marks the time when the veil that separates the spiritual world from the physical one becomes thinner, and a portal opens, enabling us to reconnect with our loved ones that have passed away. It’s time to honor death like we honor birth, and dedicate some time and energy this week to the souls on the other side that are protecting us.
During these spiritual days shed things that brought you fear and smile at the thoughts that used to haunt you… Remember, there is no light without dark, birth without death—we are all a continuous cycle. Take this week of Samhain and day of the dead to reconnect with the spiritual realm and remember that after death there is rebirth: the opposite of death isn’t life, the opposite of death is birth…
If this interests you I recommend this quick and light read: Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe by Laura lynne Jackson.
🐪 CultureCOP
10-13 NOVEMBER Sinai Desert, Egypt
CultureCOP will be a gathering of people from across borders and boundaries, coming together in celebration, catharsis and commitment to create tangible and long-lasting change. Led by the wisdom of the world’s Indigenous peoples and Global South communities on the forefront of the climate crisis, CultureCOP believes that cultural transformation is the key to making climate justice a reality.
More than a moment in time, CultureCOP is a movement.
You’re all invited.
💩 WTF? news
😶🌫️ Atmospheric levels of all three greenhouse gases hit record high.
💰 Climate crisis study finds heatwaves have cost global economy $16tn.
🌏 The Culture Club
📺 What we’re watching: Bolsonaro: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
📸 Profile of the week: @_funga
📖 What we’re reading: When Plants Dream by Daniel Pinchbeck, Sophia Rokhlin
🤯 Scary fact we learnt this week: World close to ‘irreversible’ climate breakdown, warn major studies.