Dear rewilders,
To rewild our souls we must rewild our culture. To rewild our culture we must rewild our food systems. To rewild our food systems we must rewild our plates. Read below our original eco-story on the salmon industry.
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♾️ eco-stories
🎣 Ordering salmon in Costa Rica
I recently visited my family in Costa Rica, and in each restaurant we visited, salmon was omnipresent. At every restaurant, it was my grandmother’s go-to, she even ordered it when we went to the fishmongers. It made me wonder, with two bountiful coast lines, why is this country obsessed with a fish that isn’t caught in its waters? How has the salmon industry infiltrated our global consciousness with its “glamorous” appeal that has blinded locals from their own delicacies? What is it about salmon that has made its way onto virtually every menu on the planet? When did salmon become ubiquitous?
I was speaking to my father in Italy, and commented on this salmon obsession. I asked him, when did salmon become a thing? He reminisced: well, I remember that when I was young in Rome salmon was considered a luxury, at the same level as caviar, just more accessible – we would buy it for celebrations. I thought of smoked salmon, blinis and caviar, and how salmon seemed to have had the opposite fate of lobster, going from occasional and high end to the second most consumed fish in the world. How did this happen? From Costa Rica to Jakarta, no matter which ocean you reside on, salmon is a thing.
💩 WTF? news
🌏 The Culture Club
📺 What we’re watching: Extract. Destroy. Repeat.
📸 Profile of the week: @wildfishcons
📚 What we’re reading: Salmon Wars, by Douglas Frantz and Catherine Collins
🤯 Fun fact we learnt this week: soil is an antidepressant.
Thank you for this article. I feel such a doofus for my years of salmon consumption, albeit sticking mostly with “wild caught.”
Ironically I tried to eat salmon recently and found it inedible.
The logic of rewilding is truly invigorating. Your writing is a breath of fresh air. Please keep going and I’m gonna keep sharing it and supporting.